Tuesday, August 16, 2011

TDE - intro (1)


These initials are scattered all over my scriptures - and have been for years. All of us have been given counsel or direction from the Lord – Priesthood Leaders – Friends and just those with whom we admire or look up to. How this counsel comes and what it says should dictate how high up the priority list such advice should be placed. When my boss asks me to do something it takes on a different form than if he suggests that I try something. The consequences can be devastating if I ignore it. The scriptures are full of advice, commands and counsel. These should be followed by all of us and there is a blessing or consequence for such obedience or failure to listen when directed. (D&C 130) This is also true with the words of living prophet and those whom are called to lead us. These suggestions, commands, counsel are many times quite general and it’s hard to see the immediate reward or consequences of our actions. Other times their words are extremely direct and the benefit or petrels are easy to understand. When we receive advice from someone, it may be a great idea in most situations, but it might not be what is in our best interest. As a young return missionary I went to meet with my old priest advisor. I was looking for help on what I should do with the rest of my life. He is very successful in the eyes of the world as well as in spiritual matters. He gave me the advice that he could think of, but after further review and prayer – it wasn’t what was needed for me. Was he flawed in his thinking – not at all, it was great advise, but not what path I was suppose to follow. No matter what advice we receive there is always a source to verify, confirm and receive additional direction. These confirmations and direction can become an anchor for us in the storms of life. The Lord has told us he would “speak peace to our minds. What greater witness can you have than from God?” (D&C 6: 23) These confirmations don’t usually just come; we need to work to receive them. “You have supposed that I would give it unto you, when you took no thought save it was to ask me. But, behold, I say unto you, that you must study it out in your mind; then you must ask me if it be right, and if it be right I will cause that your bosom shall burn within you; therefore you shall feel that it is right.” (D&C 9: 7-8) Hopefully each of us has very personal and direct inspiration. This personal revelation is the basis of our testimonies and the strength we need to withstand the difficulties we face. Other personal direction can come to us in the form of blessings, including our patriarchal blessings. This is a time in your life you receive scripture for your personal life. I have read a number of blessings over the years – all of which are related to me, ancestors, my spouse and children. With that being said, I would still say that I have a blessing that is very unique and some what confusing. Occasionally, in very little detail, I have discussed my blessing with a number of close and trusted friends. But the counsel I have received in my blessing isn’t meant for them or for their interpretations – such confirmations and understanding needs to come from God. In my blessing I am given a number of different assignments, one such assignment is to study intently the missionary experiences in the Book of Mormon, specifically from the books of Mosiah to Moroni. As I do so I’m told to see the value of Truly Dedicated Effort, and the results that it has on the individuals and events as they truly dedicate their lives to the Lord and missionary work. This is the reason I have the initials TDE scattered among the pages of that wonderful book. I have read the Book of Mormon many times, and occasionally looked for certain themes or direction. One of my favorite times, I underlined all of the references of the Savior and His teachings. What a wonderful experience, if you were to try this you would find that there are only a couple of chapters in that great book where there wouldn't be any markings. Indeed it is another testament of Christ. This TDE isn’t just applicable to missionary work – but you’ll find the results of any dedicated effort and the blessings that can become part of such a life.

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